Toxic relatives: engage or avoid?
Photo created by bearfotos - So I'm back. I didn't think I'd be blogging again after my failed attempt to do a podcast, much less talk about toxic relatives. It's not because our family is perfect. It's because we've all probably gotten to a point when we all know how to be with each other, genuinely enjoying each other's company. But I saw a post in a private Facebook group earlier that alarmed me because of how people responded to her. The user asked: How to avoid the toxic family relatives kapag (during) reunion? A perfectly valid concern! We all grew up dreading that one (or more, yikes!) relative who just can't seem to mind their own business. Or they probably have a very problematic attitude towards life and people. An overwhelming majority of the respondents answered, "Don't show up/attend." One even jokingly (?) said, "I know a hitman. PM is the key." I understand though why this would be the most recomm...