Leaving on a Jetplane

I really love traveling--I love the adventure that comes with it, discovering new places or simply going back to those areas that bring back awesome memories. I do, I really do love traveling.

But not the taxing part called 'preparation.' We're leaving for Singapore in six days and I haven't even packed at all. I have a 'draft checklist' in my head that is still floating in there but truly I am absolutely clueless as to what to really bring. Anyway, my online life right now revolves on learning how to pack efficiently and light.

The Merlion
Four years ago, I had already been to Singapore for a school/study trip. After many 'Ooohs' and 'Aaahs' at this beautiful country (despite the horrible experience of being booked in a three-star hotel in their red light district), it had been a dream home country ever since.

Somebody told me that if I were to go to Singapore, I shouldn't be going there for a study tour but for a vacation. I disagree. They actually have awesome communication schools that I ever-wish existed in the Philippines. I remember going to Nanyang Polytechnic and almost crying at the sight of their equipment and studio. Singapore is also the crib of BBC Asia and Reuters Asia. Just saying.

To the real thing! This 2011, I'm really leaving on a jetplane with my younger brother Adrian and I'm going back to Singapore for an awesome vacation! There you go, no longer for study, but for a real vacation!

God had used relatives to answer our prayers of going on a trip to SG. Thanks to tita Michelle and tita Marivic for sponsoring our trip and allowing us to squeeze in their accommodations respectively. God bless you hundredfold of what you willingly gave!

I'm also all too excited to finally see and spend time with (after a month of physical separation, gah!) an awesome friend, Ate Weng! Pool and breakfast? Just like the old times, eh?

I'm sooooo EXCITED!!! Six days left, and counting... Now, what do I get ready with?

♪ I'm leaving on a Jetplane;
Don't know when I'll be back again;
Oh, babe I hate to go... 

Hate to go... NOT!


  1. pasalubooooong! Kahit love lang! Hahahaha.

  2. Just went there last week. Hope you have a blast in Singapore!

  3. Dani: I'll try to find the perfect pasalubong! :)

    Rustin: As in DEBATE Rustin? Haha! Welcome to my blog. Thank you! Where do you suggest we go?

  4. Hey you.. aside from the new post.. and new location..

    I like your new layout.

  5. How's the vacation so far??? :) I wanna hear all about it!!! I'm so happy that you and Aki get to go. Enjoy your time with him. Enjoy your time with your titas. Enjoy your time with ate weng. ENJOY every moment!

    I love Singapore. I miss chicken rice and roti prata. Hope you guys get to go to Universal Studios.

    We miss you! See you when you get back!

  6. Bob, thank you! Thanks also to the input of bloggers who've been dropping by my site to give comments on the general structure of this blog :)

    Ate Jan, one word (if it were a word) WOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!

    I'm so happy to be back home now, tho!


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