Wish List Update!

     First of all--thank YOU for all the well-wishes and prayers that reached to me through Facebook and text message when I celebrated my birthday! I am truly blessed with the awesome and kind words you've planted in my heart.

     If you've been coming back to my page and haven't seen any updates lately, I'm so sorry because I couldn't make time for writing. I'm not going to make excuses for it. But thanks for visiting, nonetheless! I see the hit counts still go up every single day. You don't know how much it means for a writer (self-proclaimed, in my case) to know that she is being read.

     And so, I will update you TODAY about the last blog I posted here--the Wish List! Two out of the five wishes I had were fulfilled from the day of my birthday to the latest date:

     Right on the day of my birthday, I received THREE pretty ORANGE (my favorite color, FYI) TULIPS! From my dear friends, Mark A. and Ryan U. Mind you, it's the first time I received flowers. Seriously. So imagine my thrill inside (though not evident on the outside) when I received the flowers!

Do you see the exhilaration?
     A week later, Geleen, Glady and Jahzel, the girls that I help in their walk with God, have given me an ORANGE LEATHER-BOUND Bible; New International Version and on large print. Can I just say I got super kilig (hoity-toity raw in English) when I received the Bible! They didn't know that my favorite color was orange when they purchased it, so it made me all the more kilig because I felt that God was going to make sure I get exactly as I asked. Sayang I didn't get to take a pic with the Bible and the girls all together, but here are the beautiful ladies who gave me the Bible:

From left: Jahzel, Glady, Geleen and of course, moi!
     So here's the rest of the Wish List that is yet to be fulfilled--

1. Meet Eugene Domingo! My friends from a certain network told me they'll try to do something about it. Yiee!

2. Kimmy Dora's Original DVD! The Beautiful Girls in the photo said this was their priority to get, but since it wasn't available, they took the Bible instead. No regrets, ladies! It was an awesome pick!

3. Get (at least) 3 stems of Single Early/Late TULIPS (the link is wikipedia. hehe). Oh how I super love this flower. It is seemingly strong and proud with its long and slender stem, but it's actually a very simple flower--just look at the bulb--6 petals, monochromatic color. I hope (at least) one stem is my favorite color!

4. New Bible! I can get this one by myself, but I'm putting it on the list, nonetheless. New International Version. Leather cover, large print. (It takes extra effort to read and study with the backpack bible I have now, although I love it because it's my travel buddy). Hopefully, in my favorite color, too!

5. Anything hand-me-down! Something that reminds people of me that they already own. It's more like a souvenir from all friends. PRICELESS things.

     Still waiting for the rest of it to be fulfilled! TWELVE DAYS LEFT!


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